Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Be who you are

Good day! Today is going to be a great day ...

Why? Because I believe it will be. With no faith that today will be a great day and expect the opposite, then bad will happen for you today. Belief and faith in yourself are key to begin your day! Change your thoughts to change your day for the better! Forget everything that caused you problems. Forgive those who wronged you! Think positive for the better! Love the people that love you.

Never let anyone to put you down! Any problems can be solved, only if you're strong enough to face and solve it. Never lose hope, stay strong no matter what happens! We are here in this world to live our lives not to live in fear. Because once we are fearless nothing will hurt us. Live accordingly as you want, if you think it's good for  you then live with it. We are here to live freely not to live manipulated by someone else or controlled by anyone.

Inequalities in this country

Wherever I go, most women and men that I've seen lately are so lonely. In particular the women in my country. They walk around the planet feeling unloved because their husbands or boyfriends have replaced them with younger women. I think women in this country are lonelier than the men because the latter have more freedom, in the sense that this society doesn't have to punish those men who cheat on their wives. That is as long as he doesn't neglect providing his family financially. Men are allowed to have mistresses, while the women are presumed to behave. Although our culture permits men to cheat on their wives, it does not accord women to do the same courtesy because in this country it is not unusual for a man to have one or two mistresses, depending on how much he can afford.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Randoms Thoughts of the day.

It is not always about how you are ahead of someone. Sometimes, you just have to stay quiet and observe those people who keep on hating on you. And right there you'll see how it will shut them up. It is not always needful to degrade those kind of people just to save yourself from their unwanted judgment. When you know yourself that you are higher than them in so many ways no need to brag about it. Or when you know yourself that they are lower than you no need to futher drag them down, unless you are a little bit of a butthead, then I understand the reason why you just can't ignore those people, over pretty things, Learn to ignore! Been there, done that. Unless they hit the wrong button, that's when we should react. You don't need to respond to them in a boastful way. You respond to them in a way they would actually feel you don't care.


No matter what you do bad or good people will always complain. Some people will gossip about you, they will talk bad about you, judge you, hate you without really knowing the reason why they hates you. Sometimes they just hate you for being you. Sometimes they do it out of jealously. But seriously, we don't need to turn out to be that kind of human being. We have to be contented with what we have in life and stay away from someone else's business. Worry about ourselves instead of minding other people businesses! That's a good start away from karma!.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Wrong trust

If someone you know going to beg for you to lend her/him money because she/he needed it badly for her/his kids or sick relatives..etc. would you lend him/her?

I easily trust people, so I will definitely lend him/her specially if he/she is a good friend of mine. That's what I actually did a week ago to a friend who I thought was trusted. I lend her money because she said her daughter is sick and that she needed to bring her to the clinic for check up. I don't know her so well, but Jessa does, and I trusted Jessa's opinion. Maybe I was just being taken by my emotions when she said her daughter is sick. So I borrowed the money to her as she promised to pay me back yesterday but there were no sign of her. Until now she still is in hiding. No text, no phone calls, she never even answered my calls. I am totally dissapointed by her action. I hate being used by others! This behavior is sick!

Thoughts of the day

Oh love. Why do we love? We say nothing lasts forever, so why do we bother to pursue love? Oh I guess we just love the pain when love comes to it's end. We just love to cry over the wasted trust. We just love to throw ourselves into situations where we are always in the losing end and sometimes end up taking our own lives because can no longer take the pain. Sad but true!

Why do we love? Why do we love if all we end up into pain? Because it brings us no equal happiness. Because along with pain and sorrow, there is satisfaction and enjoyment, along with the sufferings, there is solace. We love pain because it's part of the whole package of human experience. To have blood is human, to bleed it out is more human. And so we always fall.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Everything gone too far

If you have to suspend work and classes to avoid traffic on an international summit, it features that there's something wrong with public transportation. If you have to provide a special lane for visitors, it is evidence that there's a problem in infrastructure. If you have to hide the homeless for the streets to look good there's something wrong with social welfare and housing. So Filipinos, how's the day of being slapped as a second class citizen? But who would want that anyway, nobody wants that. It hurts that we have to suffer traffic every day, but the government gives a fast lane to APEC delegates. It hurts that street lights got fixed and public cleanliness at its maximum for this conference. hurts that the manila look presentable this week, not because we filipino people deserve it but because the government wants the APEC delegates to see our fake beauty. It hurts that we are second class netizens in our own country, we all deserve manila or should I say Philippines  at it's best not only when influentials people come to visit. But what can we do to questioned them anyway if they are above us in all level.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Life is so unfair

Sometimes life is a b!+€#

No matter how hard we try, we keep running into dead ends. Or banging our head against a wall or failing to fullfill or do the things that we want to do.

We have great plans, amazing ideas but we can't just seems to begin them. Maybe we have constant money problems, difficulties with relationships, family problems, or emotions that drain our energy and enthusiasm.

We look around and see other people succeeding and living exciting lives. It all seems like smooth sailing for them. While the rest of us are struggling to achieve the good life we want. Sometimes we work too well, too much just to reach our dreams. But Sometimes all efforts and hardwork are still not enough to achieve what we want in life, Sometimes we are just unlucky to expercience the good life... Sigh.. Life is so cruel and unfair sometimes!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Have you ever thought why we even bother to celebrate birthdays? When you think about it, they are really just an opportunity for your friends and family to come together congratulate you for surviving another year. But for some reason it's become far more than that.

Sometimes we bother to celebrate birthdays just to feel how special and lucky we truly are and thankful at the same time for surviving another year. There are plenty of reason why we celebrate birthdays, sometimes we just want to have fun with friends and family and to meet new friends that later could become family. Sometimes we celebrate for being blessed with great things in life, with the achievement we have accomplished. We have a lot to be thankful for. Never fails to thank God for all his blessings and for letting you survive another year of  existence.

Friends house

I've been to Subic yesterday to visit my friend Jessa and to see their new home. I'm quite impressed with their new home: the house has three huge rooms, and 3 bathrooms with dining room and living room suited to them since they are one big family. The house was owned by an engineer from Subic who relocated to Cebu City. The place looked kind of old and a bit scary because nobody lived there for so long. In fact the place was abondoned for years until Jessa's family finished the 2 years contract of their old home and found this place.

Now the place is pawned to her family for PhP 500.000 with 2 years of contract. It's up to them if they'll renew the contract for another year of  contract until they find a new home or either build one. Well, for sure by then they can have their own home, I hope. It won't be difficult to them since Jessa's sister has a stable job plus the husband could help too. I wish all  the best for them!


That feeling when you can't stop thinking and asking "why that certain thing happened?" Is that a sign to stop because it's not meant for you and look for other options? Or continue to hope and do something to achieve the things you want to pursue ...

One thing is for sure: never stop to pray! All the things happening to our lives have a purpose! Just keep believing in God! He has a great plans for you. Remember that God is watching us, he is always on time when you need him the most. As long as you believe in him he won't fail you. He'll serve you as much as you are to him.

Saturday, December 19, 2015


I am just a girl with a normal life, or should I say a grownup sister to her 3 youngest siblings, a daughter to her mom and dad, as well as a cousin to her bunch of cousins, a friend and a granddaughter to her grandparents. My life was never been perfect, neither been easy. I have been through a lot of ups and downs of my 22 years of live. There were times when I thought I wouldn't make it until 22 years living in this world. There were times when I wanted to end my life because of too much depression. There were also times that I've been broken-hearted. I felt in love with someone I thought was a worthy loving person but I was wrong because he wasn't. I've been used by others who I thought were real friends. At the end I realize that those ups and downs were only trials. Now I am learning somehow.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Traffic caused by APEC

19 Nov: Yesterday, thousands walked 4 kilometers to work, in over an hour, due to APEC road closure. Some walked to avoid being stuck in the traffic just like one of my friends. She just got home around 2am from Pasay where the traffic was terrible until EDSA. She told me she walked around Pasay for about an hour into the bus terminal where she could take a ride on the way home. She left for Pasay around 6pm and just got home by 2am. That's was really a terrible experience she ever had in her life about traffic. Even the richest people who were stuck in the traffic had to came out of their vehicles because of the mentioned traffic. My friend said they even walked their ass off just to get to where they wanted to go. Many were angry and shouted around, many were annoyed by this situation caused by APEC. How lucky I am that I did not travel yesterday. I am somehow thankful of being not one of those who were stuck in that traffic caused by APEC.

Life choices

If I had to choose where I would live, I'd say in a simple place where there's no hassle living, with fresh air, fresh vegetables coming from the farm, where people ain't fake, simple life, with no SM malls, just all about a small village together with family. I think I am oneday ready to just live there. I am just getting tired of everything and my friends aren't always with me anymore so why be here in this city, I'm just wasting everything and my time in this place. I'd rather be around with my relatives than to be bored here. Or maybe a job will help me ease my boredom. A housemaid job is not bad for me as I've done that before when I was 15 years old and worked in one of my dad's sister's house. It was kind of difficult but I survived when I was younger. I'm not interested in working as a sales lady; I don't know why but I don't like it.


I watched the movie Troy earlier and "Wow" the movie was great. It is an older movie, it was filmed 11 years ago but I just founded it. I love adventure movies that's why the movie Troy was really a perfect one for me. If you haven't watched it you gotta have to check it out. The movie screening was 3 hours or so, pretty long, but you're going to be contented with it for sure. I started idolizing Brad Pitt since I watched the movie Mr & Mrs Smith, and now I like him more because of that movie Troy. I also like Orlando Bloom and Eric Bana: they are really great actors and they fit to the movie Troy. But I felt bad because Prince Hector and Achilles died at the end of the movie where the only prince that survived was Paris. I just wished Achilles and Prince Hector did not die. How sad!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Crazy world, crazy people

Sometimes it's better to be alone than to be around with  fake people. That's why I've always been careful when choosing who I be friends with and that the reasons I don't have a lot of friends. I am a picky person when it comes to choosing friends. The reason why I don't trust people easily is that 3 years ago I've met a girl who I thought was a real friend but to realized she only used me. There were things that happened back then that caused me not to trust people easily now. I cannot tell the worl why because it was way too personal. But,I'm just saying: be careful who you choose as a friend, who you hangout with and talk with. Some people are good in hiding their true colors, you will not really know what they are up to until you have known them long enough and sometimes enough for them to turn into a sneak.  We must know that we are living in this crazy world where best friends become enemies, strangers become best friends, sometimes cousins become lovers and so are these backstabbers that you once called your "best friends turned into.

Adopted Cat

Today I woke up with a cat sleeping beside me. If I remember well, when falling asleep, there was no cat or even a cat sound. I think she came from my neighbor apartment and sneaked in to my place through the back door. This cat is just so skinny. My neighbor is also skinny like the cat, therefore I think they belong together. I think it's because her boss has no money to buy enough food for herself and for this poor cat.

I'm not an animal lover but when I look at the cat, it looked so hungry so I feed her with the leftover food I found in the fridge. But the bad thing is: she didn't eat the food I gave to her. Picky cat! Until now she's still here. I think she want to move in here at my place. Not a big deal to me, as long as she don't intend to scratch me it is all good. I will even feed her food. As long as she behaves well and is not going to steal food and is not going to poop inside, I will keep her..

Monday, November 16, 2015


My prayers and sympathy for the people of Paris France, specially to those who have been hurt badly and to those who have lost their love ones because of that shocking and unbelievable explosions and attacks. I do wonder why these attackers does such horrible thing.

Was it money? Some people make tons of money because of their bad doing, they kill people for money, they would plant explosives for money and wouldn't even care how much people they would kill. All just because of money!

Was is beliefs? Some people don't accept that other people have different believes, and not every country has a free choice of religion. Some wicked people think they need to kill others who believe different, but I think this is wrong. Countries with freedom are better than countries where people get oppressed and are not free to speak up for what they believe.

I know there are disasters in every country, natural disasters, but when human beings create such a disaster, this is sad. I just hope those attackers will stop their evil doing and realize that doing bad to others will fire back to them. Karma is a bitch!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Family sides

If I had to choose which side of my family I would like to be, I'd immediately say I'm choosing my mother's side. The reason why? Because my mother's side has real people, not fake people, not greedy but great people with a sense of humor. People from my mother's side have never been so selfish and do care about us, I love how my cousins treated me when I was there with them and so are my aunts and uncles from my mom's side ... just very different from how I experience family on my father's side ...

Some family members from my dad's side behaved bad to me, and they are greedy human beings. Yes, they are all successful people and have businesses but with their selfishness I don't even want to be near in any of them. How could they ignored my dad's suffering, how could they not bother to ask if we he had survived from the devastating typhoon. That's not how real relatives would ever acted!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Shut up!

Sometimes some people can be so annoying! My own uncle is an example: he pisses the hell out of me when he told me inappropriate words that I didn't even want to hear ... I don't want to be unrespectful to him because he was my father's brother but he called me on the phone just to accuse me wrongly and judge my style of living. For what? This is my life and not his life! And at least he should get the facts right, but it seems he is too narrowminded for that.

I don't even considered him as my uncle nor my dad's brother because he didn't even care about my father ever. Not even after the typhoon yolanda hit us! He didn't call, he didn't care whether we are ok or not. We almost died and needed shelters but there were no uncle or sister to help us. Therefore, as I've said, he doesn't needs to act like he feeds us or that he has the right to judge me all the way without really knowing what exactly I do. He never acted like a family member to me or to my brothers, so why bother me now after ignoring us for like forever ... Grrrrr!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Grandparents' village

I remember my grandparents' life as quite simple but fun, in a small village with just 2 or at most 3 faucets placed in the whole village. Those faucets were only used for drinking water while they have a river for everyone to do their laundry. It's a short walk to the river, but if you were too lazy for the walk, you had to use the well and fetch water from there in order to wash your dirty clothes in front of the house. That was still tiring, but that's what I did. I was lucky that my grandparents had their own well next to their house.

All the houses in my grandparents' village were almost the same sizes, unlike in my father's hometown where there were lots of tiny and huge houses . My father's house is similar to my grandparent's house: small and made from wood, very similar. But if I had to decide whether to live in Hernani (my father's town) or in Las Navas (grandparents' town), my vote would probably go to Hernani because it's way better than Las Navas in all aspects. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Province and voting

I said in one of my previous posts that it was ok even though, in my father's hometown, I didn't get the requirements needed for my passport, including my voters certification. But I cannot stop thinking why they could not have owned a printer in the commission on election office. The election is coming soon, in 2016. Seriously, it's just shameful to the mayor of Hernani. He should be eliminated in this coming election if he cannot organize even the most basic things. From what I heard, he is just useless, selfish and corrupt. Unfortunately, corruption is a big problem here in the Philippines.

There was so much money collected for Yolanda victims. Do you think that money reached the victims? I doubt it. Lots of money disappears in dark pockets of politicians. That major could at least donate a printer to the comelec office so that the people can get easily what they need from the comelec office. Sigh! Too many people disliked and keep disliking him because nothing is well organized in the town. I just hope he doesn't get enough votes on this coming elections so that he gets kicked from his throne and makes space for a better candidate.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

How to become famous in facebook!

Tips on how to get 1000 likes in facebook.

1. Make sure you got a bunch of friends and followers on facebook.

2. Be nice to your facebook friends and followers so they will always like your post.

3. Take seductive pictures and show some skin.

4. Keep your photos public so that even your stalkers who aren't in your friend list will able to like your pictures.

5. Keep your pictures for days and wait for the results of likes.

and finally the most important:

6. Go to a doctor and get your brain checked! Craving desperately for 1000 likes on facebook is a paranoid addiction that doctors must treat. Hahaha!



I took a week vacation for an important matter: to gather all the documents needed for my passport. But I failed to get some documents in my father's hometown. From the passport viewpoint, it was a waste of money to go there, but from a personal viewpoint, of course it was worth it because I got to see my family. The saying is true "money can't buy us happiness", but to have enough money to travel to my family still made me happy. It could be considered useless that I didn't get the things I wanted to get there but worthy that I was there with my loved ones.

In my father's town, I tried to get my voter's certificate. It just sucks that they didn't have a printer in their office. I do wonder how they handle all voters if they don't own one. Well, shit happens, and I left then disappointed. I didn't get the documents I needed in my father hometown, but at least I did get the most important passport requirement documents in my grandparents' hometown. I hope I am ok now for getting a passport ...

Monday, November 9, 2015

Slow blogger - slow brain

I just miss writing blogs. It's been a while since the last time I wrote on my blog. The reason why I had to take a break writing was because I am out of stories to tell. That is one of my problems: that I have a small brain and don't remember what I wanted to write. I have no one to blame ... lol ... No matter how I've tried to expand my knowledge in writing, I always failed to take notes about what I wanted to write. And when I am writing, I get easily distracted, either by noises or when someone is watching me while I am writing. I always end up with losing my ideas. That's how I am! My brain is so small I cannot even memorize a short paragraph. I'm not saying I'm dumb, just my memory sucks! Even sometimes I have a lot of ideas in my mind to write in a blog after I got distracted it's all gone ...

Sunday, November 8, 2015


No words can describe how much happy I am and thankful at the same time that I was able to visit my province and be with my families and friends. I am so thankful that I've seen my father and brother again after the previous visit I made 5 months ago, and to be able to hangout with my brothers, cousins and friends. It was really great to be around with everyone during my visit. We shared a lot of fun and laughter even though I was there only for a short while, only couple days of joy. I got to take photos with my brothers. I keep those photos in my phone gallery.

I'll tell you why I am happy that my brothers let me take pictures of them: Normally, they never wanted anyone, even me, to take photos of them because they were too shy to be in front of camera. That may sound weird but that's why it was hard for me to get souvenir photos of them to bring back with me. Now I have each of my brothers photos. I do look at those when I feel like miss them. Everything is just so perfect right now that I have my mom, my dad and my brothers even though they're far away from me. I'm still grateful to be able to see them once in awhile ...

Friday, October 23, 2015


I like good looking guys driving their motorcycles, specially a Harley Davidson (that's the bike name, not the guy name ☺). Even girls who could drive any kinds of big bikes look so awesome and cool while riding a motorcycle. It's not new to me: everytime I see a guy or a girl driving their big bikes makes me want to drive a motorcycle too. That is really funny because in real life I can't even ride well on a normal bike. Practicing to ride a bike on the highway with cars nearby scares the hell out of me.

I started liking motorcycles when I met my ex-bf about two years ago. He had a Harley Davidson and a Yamaha. The first time I ride on the harley was really fun and so damn cool. I even got to watch the bikes show that my ex had joined last year. He is member of a bikers group, all with their Harleys. Until now I'm still a fan of big bikes, even though we already broke up.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Earthquakes, tsunamis and typhoons

How come I didn't feel the 5.4 magnitude earthquake ealier? Was I that numb already?

The same thing happened to me back in 2013 before the tsunami hit our place. There was an earthquake and I was one of those people from my place that didn't notice it. We got surprised by the tsunami warning following the earthquake. Living close to the sea, everybody could have died from the tsunami, but we were still evacuated at a higher place due to the typhoon Haiyan / Yolanda. We were kind of lucky to be safe with the tsunami. But on the other hand, we were also unlucky because the typhoon Haiyan / Yolanda did hit us and destroyed our homes. The typhoon was really strong and could swift you off your feet once you come outside, therefore it was important that we were evacuated at safer buildings. But still, the typhoon did cost thousands of lives and homes, so we were lucky to be alive at the end. And it helps that many people in the province are very smart, responsible and alert eachother whenever they hear from somebody that there will be an earthquake, tsunami or typhoon coming, so that there is time to bring the family to a higher place or to a stronger building for safety.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Bad experience

When I was a teenager, I was a tomboy: I acted like a boy and even dressed like a boy. But that changed when I saw our neighbor with her daughters from her foreigner husband. They were so adorable. I was like "wow, maybe one day I can have a family like hers too". So that's when I started to change and felt like I was really a girl. So it stayed in my mind, that's why I was more attracted to foreigners because I wanted a foreign husband with similar cute children when I am ready for it.

But I never expected this to be ruined. I was young and stupid when I met my first boyfriend. I fell in love with him easily. I thought he is a nice guy but I was wrong because he was only nice to me at the beginning. He suddenly changed after a while. He didn't care anymore about our relationship and he started cheating. Everytime I found out that he cheated he always denied it. We were together for almost 6 months, but before my birthday I broke up with him. It wasn't really easy for me to break up with him because he was my first love, he was my first of everything. But  honestly, after a couple of months, I moved on. I realized I was being a fool and been fooled by a demon. I learned my lesson from it. Now I am careful! I dont even want to be in a relationship with somebody I am not so sure of.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Drawing hair

I've been sketching for a couple weeks now but I still can't figure out how to draw realistic hair. It's just so difficult for me to do. I dont know if it's my pencils that is not good or my hands are the problem. But I would say my drawings are improving now. Unlike the first time, when I was starting to draw, the result was awful. But now I'm finally able to get almost the result of the drawing that I try to draw.

I love art and I love to draw but when things get too difficult, I also hat it. What always gives me a hard time is the hair, the nose and the face shape. That is really difficult. Even shadings are not easy to do. That's why next time I draw I'm goig to use soft pencils for shading so it easy for me to always erase and correct the wrong angles of the face. Well, I think a soft sharpened pencil is the easiest pencil to use  and draw for a realistic hair.

First jet ski ride

The first time I ride on a jet ski was last year with my friends. I can say it was really fun! I was able to drive it around even though it was my first time to ride jet ski. I wasn't scared; in fact I was so desperate to try it. My friends couldn't drive because they were so scared to even try to drive so I was the one that volunteered since they wanted to check around the island.

It was really fun but tiring because I was the only one that holds the handlebar for an hour. It wasn't really scary to try if you are courageous and can face and try any kinds of activities just like I do. It was fun but it charged us a penny. It was 3600 peso per hour. But once you enjoyed  riding jet ski the money that you spent does not matter at all. I and my friends have now been doing jet ski for like 5 times last year. It's been  a while since the last time I ride on a jet ski. All I can say: jet skiing is really fun and you should try it!

Sunday, October 18, 2015


It's been raining since yesterday because of typhoon Lando but I'm glad it's not windy here at my place. I am not so sure about other places. Well, I hope no one gets hurt or dies because of this typhoon. In particular those families who live in the mountain region of Luzon should be careful and evacuate before it's too late. The typhoon is on track in that direction. It's not safe to just stay at home when you are living in a dangerous place. If you really care about your family, be wise and move your ass up and leave the danger zone for your family safety!

In my province, 2 years ago, a lot of people died because of being stubborn and didn't evacuate. A lot of those who lived by the sea died because they didn't listen even though they had already heard in the news that there's super typhoon coming. Even though they were warned, still they ignored all warnings until it was too late for them to survive. I was there, I did experience that typhoon, which was the strongest ever, and I am lucky that I survived.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Scary world

It's a dangerous life! Some people have gone crazy and mad! So, why I am saying this? It's because I found out that one of my friends got robbed by a taxi driver on her way home from the shopping mall. The handover taxi driver, or I should say, the guy pretending to be a taxi driver, threatened her with a knife, scared her, even gave her a kind of KO drops so that she fell asleep, took her stuff and finally dropped her off in the middle of nowhere in Manila while she was still dazed. Good thing is that he didn't get her phone because it was in her pocket. The things she lost don't matter at all, what matters is she is ok and alive.

Life just is getting scarier! From now on, I will never take a taxi alone when I am in Manila. Take note, all foreigners and filipinas, be careful and absolutely vigilant when it comes to riding in taxis. You have to protect yourself against these evils. Never forget that there are some humans on earth that would do anything just to get what they want and even are willing to harm anybody just for that. I though the Philippines are a peaceful country. People like them don't deserved to be here at all!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Be matured

I and Jessa had a misunderstanding earlier. It's because of that goddamn party that I intended to ignore. She doesn't understand my arguments when I told her that I cannot go partying with her in Manila. She got pissed off  by my answer. Jesus Christ! I'm getting tired of partying so often. Even I don't have to spend any money on it, I still don't want to go because I have other useful things to do rather than partying.

Honestly I was once a party animal. It started back in 2013 after my break up with my ex. I did enjoy partying until last year. Now I cannot call myself a party animal anymore because I don't party as often anymore. Nowadays I have different priorities. Jessa doesn't understand how I feel because she's just 20 years old, and she has plenty of money so that she can party as much as she wants. I try to save money. I am not saying I'm old but I'm already 22. I need some time to think of what's the best to do in life. I don't want to end up like other former party girls who are now old and have now a miserable life.

I miss my best friend

Just now, I miss my friend Misha! It's been a while since the last time I've seen her. I am pretty sure she's enjoying her stay with her family. Well, who doesn't want to be with family! I'm happy for her and I feel sad at the same time because there is possibility that she might decide to live there for good. Thinking of her leaving me and Jessa makes me sad. We were a good team, always together, even though sometimes she left for couple days to visit her family. I understand her because if my family would be nearby, I would do the same. But I just cannot get used to the idea that she might leave us for good soon. I will definitely miss her once she leaves us forever, because even now while writing this blog I keep on taking about her. I really miss her! I just hope she's ok and enjoys life. All I want is the best for her and for her entire family!

Saturday, October 10, 2015


Time checked! It's 2:05 am here already. I couldn't sleep, and instead of doing nothing I finally decided to wash all my dirty clothes. My back is aching right now but I'm happy I have no dirty clothes anymore. Everything is clean. All I have to do now is just to wait until my clothes are dry and I can finally wear them. It's funny because my friend asked me what I did eat ealier so that I am so full of energy right now when cleaning our place. Well My answer is?.. I had a apple and junk foods earlier. This makes me energetic. Just kidding! Honestly I hate staying at a dirty place. That's why I clean our place whenever I can. My friends don't clean our place, they always wait until I do it. I don't complain cleaning our apartment because I live here too and I like living in a clean place.

Friday, October 9, 2015

ATM card

I am really sleepy but I can't let myself fall asleep. I need to stay awake at least until 6 am so I can sleep until afternoon. That's because I have to go to Manila later to get my ATM at my cousin's place. I can go to Manila anytime but  my cousin is working in SM Mall and for sure she wont be out until 7pm or so. I hate waiting that's why I decided I go just in time when she's about to go out from work.

Why does my cousin have my ATM card? That's a bit complex to explain. I wish I could keep my card without  touching the money that I've deposited there. But I cannot trust myself! When I have my ATM card, I can't stop myself from withdrawing and spending it for things that aren't useful at all. That's why I let my cousin keep my card for me so that whenever I have money I would just deposit it to my card and not be able to touch it. Well, my advice for you if you have an ATM card with money and you are a spender who cannot stop yourself on spending your money, you gotta have to let one of your family hold you card. But don't tell them the password so they couldn't touch it!

And why do I need my ATM card now? I've used all my money for my trip to my province. So the account is nearly empty and the bank is about to close the account. Since I have lost my job, I haven't put money in the account since a while, and I need to fix this ...


I have no clothes to wear anymore. Most of my clothes are dirty and I have to wash them. I swear tomorrow when I wake up, I'll wash it all. I hope it won't rain tomorrow so I can dry it all.

I'm lazy: I just don't like to wash clothes when the weather is not really good. I need to wash clothes by hand since I don't have a machine. Once done, make sure the sun comes up and shines to the area where you are going to hang your clothes so that they won't smells bad. Well I am not worried about clothes to wear, when they are all dirty, then I just wash those that I want to wear next, until I am able to wash and dry off the rest of the laundry. I've been in that situation many times, sometimes because I was too lazy to wash my dirty clothes. When I realized that I have no clothes to wear I'll just pick one of my favorite clothes to wear and wash it  and then place it in front of a fan. Problem is solved! And if it smells from the fan, I just put perfume on it. That's it. :-)

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Samsung vs iPhone

The iPhone is for rich people only! Why am I saying this? It's because an iPhone is really expensive at first, and then you have to pay most of the better apps. The only thing I like about the iPhone is the camera which is really good for selfies and video chat. When I had no iPhone I really wanted an iPhone because I thought it is way better than any other brand. But I was wrong. Now I have an iPhone but I'm not very happy with this phone because I couldn't download some apps that I liked because I have to pay for it. Most of the best apps aren't free at all. Maybe I had too high expectations, but I feel a bit disappointed from the iPhone.

Before the iPhone, I had a Samsung Galaxy phone, which is a different system called "Android". In Android, most interesting apps are free to download. The camera was good too but not as good as the iPhone camera, but in general the Samsung phone was great. I was attempted to get a Samsung 6 Edge but I was so curious about the iPhone, so instead of Samsung I choose the iPhone 6. I didn't know at the end I would be disappointed. Next time when I can choose a better cell phone, I would choose Samsung. 

Groto Church

Yesterday afternoon, before I headed back home, I asked my friend to go with me to Subic Hills. There is a small church in Groto. The legends tell that everything you wish here will come true. It's been twice since I've been to Groto, and the first time I wished to see my mom again. And that happened recently: I found my mom again. That's why I believe in those legends about this church. I love going there whenever I can because the place is very peaceful and you can just pray alone without being disturbed. There's not a lot of people on a regular day, and I like this. I am not a strict sunday-church-follower, I sometimes go to church even if it's not sunday. As long as I can pray, it's ok with me going to church any days.

If ever you are curious about the church why not check it out? It s just easy to find in subic hills and the church name is Groto. You would like it there, it's on the top of a mountain where you have a great view of the surroundings. Next time I'll go there, I'll try to take pictures of the view near the church.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Cellphones and crushes

My first cell phone was a Nokia 1100. My cousin gave it to me. I remember when I received that cell phone I was really happy because it gave me the opportunity to text to my crush at that time. But I used it only a couple of months, then somebody stole it from me. Years passed before I got a new one again. This time, it was my mom who bought me the cell phone, again a Nokia but I've forgotten what model it was. Happy again to text to my new crush, and then it was again stolen. Life repeats!

The third phone I got for myself was when I worked as a maid and I bought it myself. It was a Cherry Mobile phone and did cost only 800 Peso. My 4th cell phone was a LG brand. It was my ex boyfriend who bought it for me. That was 3 years ago. The 5th cell phone I've got was way better than all those olds phones I had first. It was a Samsung Galaxy Mega and it cost me almost 15K. When I bought the Samsung, I gave the LG phone to my cousin. Last but not the least is the iPhone 6. This is my current phone. It was just a gift from a friend. An iPhone is super expensive, and I wouldn't buy this phone myself. But I'm glad to have this phone, and at least I wasn't the one who spent so much money just have an iPhone.

Trying to draw

If you want something to happen, work for it! Just like me, I was trying to draw Cara Delevingne, but as you can see on my drawing, I failed to draw her. Lol, don't laugh, I know it is not perfect ...

I was trying hard but still I cannot draw her perfectly. I don't know why I can't succeed with her face shape. It's always takes long for me to at least copy almost the angle of the face that I am trying to draw. I am not saying that I'm giving up drawing because it won't gonna happen, the only thing that disappoints me is that I am seriously focussed on making the drawing perfect but still won't get the result that I wanted. But as what other people say: Practice makes perfection. That's what I have to do. As you can see the drawing is unfinished and I might have to stay at least a couple of hours awake to finish the drawing and see if I could get a little resemblance of Cara's face. I almost copied the eyes though. I hope I could draw her perfectly :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


People these days have so much to talk about, gossiping without realizing they're already in trouble. If we have nothing good to say about others, why don't we just shut up and mind our own business? I really don't like it when I am hearing from my neighbor some inappropriate story about someone I know. In particular, if it's not true I feel like shutting them up. I've heard so much gossip and have experience with people who spread gossip when I was living in my province and it wasn't good. It hurts specially when it isn't true at all. One of my biggest problems about living in province is the presence gossipers. That's why everytime I visit my hometown I never stay longer. I hate gossipers as much as I hate when they are trying to talk about me. Everytime I heard them talking about me I pretend to walk by them and they'd shut up. I say nothing but doesn't mean it's ok with me because it will never be ok with me. Well I guess gossipers is just everywhere.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Subic again

I'm going to have a good day today because it's not raining anymore. Yesterday it was raining so hard. Well, I'm here in Subic with my friend Jessa but we will be heading back home later hoping it won't rain later. Jessa's family lives in Subic. I love it here in their home because people are all very nice, have a good sense of humor, and the kids are very fun to play with. The kids aren't shy to me anymore; they even play with me unlike before when they were still too shy when I was nearby. Now they wanted me to play with them. I have more reasons now to come to here with Jessa. Her family are all very friendly, and they are nice to me. In fact I am a godmother to one of Jessas nieces. It feels good to be here because I feel like I am part of their family.

That's why I like to come to here. Whenever Jessa asked me to come with her, I go with her. Jessa's mom is really nice to me and she treats me like her own daughter and in return I treat her back like my own mother. The first time I met them, it wasn't easy for me, because similar as the kids, I was also very shy back then.

Pork Adobo recipe

My homemade of spicy pork adobo Recipe.


1 kg of pork. chopped
3 tbsp cooking oil
1/2 tbsp garlic. crushed
35 grams onion. minced
8 chili pieces chili. chopped
1/2 tbsp brown sugar
2 pcs of tomato. cut
25 ml vinegar
100 ml water
3 pcs laurel leaves
2 grams whole black pepper
2 pcs red bell pepper. cuts


1.Saute garlic and onion in oil. Add pork and continue sauteing until cooked.
2. Pour the water, vinegar, laurel leaves, sugar and pepper.
3. Bring to boil and simmer for 10 minutes.
4. Add the chili and potato and simmer for 5 minutes.
5. Add the laurel leaves and the red bell pepper and simmer for 5 minutes.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Birthday Gift Part 3

2 days ago I woke up with a gift near my bed. I wasn't expecting that I woud receive a gift from a good friend of mine on that day. I wasn't the one who took the gift from the delivery guy though. I was sleeping peacefully and I didn't even hear the delivery guy knocking at our door. My friend picked it up. And it was good for my sleep that I didn't know about it.

If I only knew I'm going to get a gift on that day I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have slept at all. It's hard for me to sleep when I am expecting something in that very day, I get too excited and it causes me sleepless nights.

When I was younger I never experienced receiving gifts that's why now that I'm older, everytime I recieived something from someone I'm so thankful, It doesn't matter to me how big or small is the gift as long as it cames from the bottom of the heart. It always makes me happy. To recieive gift from somebody is truly wonderful.

Weather problem!

I don't like it when it's raining. It bores the hell out of me! I can't do anything. Even my laundry! I haven't done it yet. I planned to wash my dirty clothes earlier today but it keeps on raining so I didn't touch my clothes. It rains and then it stops only short and then it rains again. Everytime I plan to wash my laundry I always make sure it's a sunny day so I can have my clothes dry without the scents disappearing. If you are living in the province you don't have to worry about drying your laundry: it's pretty easy to dry clothes by hanging it on a cord or string. It doesn't take so long to to dry clothes, in particular when the weather is hot  and a bit windy, because then the air dries the clothes within minutes. But if you are only renting a bed spacer apartment, it can be difficult to dry your clothes in the rainy season. In this case, it would be good if you have a washing machine with a dryer, because then it is so much easier. Well' it just a suggestion! I am lucky I don't need those since I have space for drying my clothes. All I need now is to wash when the weather is good again. Rain, go away!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Birthday thoughts

September 28: Geez ... Tomorrow is my birthday and I'm not even excited about it, knowing I'm another year older again. Honestly, I don't even have birthday feelings: I'm not excited, maybe because I'm alone and I can't do anything at home. I'm sure I'm not the only one having birthday tomorrow, but for me, it's kind of sad because my friends are not here tomorrow.

I didn't expect things could end up like this. There is still one good thing for me: I did meet my mom before my birthday even though she just can't come to my place since she's working. I wish I have my brothers with me but I know it's impossible. Well, who knows, next year I might get the opportunity to celebrate with them on my special day. If I am really alone tomorrow, I'll just eat my cake and watch movies on youtube. I am expecting a little gift from someone, a ferroro rocher, and I hope it arrives exactly on that day. If not, I am happy I have a cake on my birthday. That's enough for me. I don't expect for anything else ...

Thank you to the kind person who sent me the ferrero rocher! And if you greet me on my birthday, thanks too. I appreciated it all!

Saturday, September 26, 2015


It feels good to hear your brothers screaming with happiness. It happens today when I called them and told them I've met our mom already. They were so happy and they wished they could meet mom in real also, and not just by phone call. I told them that one day, when time is right, we can all gather together. I explained to my other brother Nicko that mother is working as a maid.

We are a broken family as my mom and my father separated. Just yesterday, my brother had asked me whether I think mom is ok. Now I could confirm, yes she's ok. My brother wanted to help mom even a little. He told me even though our mom left us years ago for someone else, he wants us all to help our mom. His reason is that if it's not because of mom we all wouldn't be here in this world. Hence, as her children, we are inclined to help her and to help each other. I told him not to worry! As the eldest I know my obligation. We will help mom and support her with her current plan. My brothers are very caring and they have accepted mom without thinking about the mistakes she had done before. I know no one to blames about the past since my dad made mistakes too. We have to start over again.

Pork Kaldereta Recipe

My pork Kaldereta Recipe


1 kg of pork chopped on how you want it.
1 can tomato sauce
2 medium red bell pepper, sliced
2 medium green bell pepper, sliced
2 medium potatoes, cut into large cubes
2 medium carrots,sliced
1 medium yellow onion, sliced
2 tbsp minced garlic
1/2 liver spread
3 tbsp cooking oil
 salt and pepper to taste


1. Heat the oil in a cooking pot.
2. Saute the garlic and onion.
3  Add the pork. Stir and cook for five minutes.
4. Add in the tomato sauce, let boil. Cover and simmer for 60 minutes.
5  Add the liver spread. Stir and cook for 3 minutes.
6. Put in the carrots and potatoes. Cover and cook for 8 to 10 minutes.
7. Add the olives oil if you have olives, and bell peppers. Cover and cook for 8 minutes.
8. Add salt and pepper to taste.

As you can see there's no olives oil in the photo but you can add olives oil in it as by your choices..

Scared by ghosts

Today, it is raining here at my place and the power sunddenly went off while I was writing blogs. Too bad for me and it's also too hot even it's raining. Now I'm trying to write blogs on my phone and I will have to copy&paste it later. Oh now the power is back! But the wifi is not working yet! I will have to wait for a few minutes and for sure it will work!

The good thing is: everytime we have a brownout in my place the power is back in just half an hour. Well sometimes it takes longer like couple of hours but most of the time it comes back in just a short while. I really don't like being alone during a brownout at night. It scares me because of the ghosts. I know there are people who don't believe in ghosts and who laugh at all that. But I hate being left alone in a dark place because I'm a coward person sometimes when I am alone. I avoid to watch scary movies too because that's another thing that makes be fearing of dark and it doesn't go away from my mind. I know sometimes I'm the only one scaring myself.

Here in my apartment I started getting scared when one of my friends told me she saw here something and she felt it was a ghost. I wasn't scared before that even when I was alone, but now that she said that, I can't be alone anymore. That's why whenever my friends leave I always ask for one of my friend's daughter to stay with me since we live in the same compound. Huhuhu, ghost exist, believe me!

Friday, September 25, 2015

My chicken curry recipe

My homemade chicken curry recipe!

2.2 lbs of chicken cut into serving pieces
   2  big potato chopped
   2  big carrots chopped

1/2 Tbsp small cuts garlic
   2 small cuts red bell pepper
   2 Tbsp fish sauce
1/2 coconut milk
   3 Tbsp curry powder
   2 Thumb ginger cut into strips
1/2 cup water


1. Put 2 spoons of cooking oil in the pan
2  Saute the garlic,onion and ginger
3 Add the chicken, fish sauce and curry powder
4 Add the water and simmer until the chicken is tender
5 Put in the carrots and potato then simmer for 5 minutes
6 Add the green and red bell pepper and put in the coconut milk, mix well and simmer for 5 minutes

Birthday Gift Part 2

God never failed to make my wish come true! I had wished to see my mom on my bday. And yes it happened yesterday I saw her even it's not my birthday yet. Seeing my mother is everything to me! I was so happy yesterday that I had finally met her again after I've waited for so long. I had tears in my eyes yesterday the first time I saw my mother. She was a bit skinny; I guess it was because of too much work. I had always thought of my mom as a hard working mother. It was really great that I've seen her and she's ok. I have nothing to worry about her now, we can also talk whenever we want and see each other in real once in a while. I want to have quality time with my mom to talk about what she had been doing back in the province she went. She didn't tell me much yet, but I will try to call her whenever she's free to ask her things. Right now everything is so perfect, I know where she is and we can see each other and talk with each other. I am so happy that she's just out there and she's ok, and my wish is granted.

Thursday, September 24, 2015


It was really a tiring day for me when I went to Subic and same day I headed back home. I wasn't expecting that the christening party would bore me. After church we went to a resort in Olongapo for the christening venue. Everybody went for swimming, for food and for singing since there was a karaoke. It was certainly fun for those who enjoyed those kind of activities, but I myself was too tired. I was so sleepy. Well I'm not really into it: I hate swimming and I cannot sing! I told to my friends I don't want to go but my friend persuaded me to come with them. So I did, even though Subic is kind of boring for me. I would be enjoying if I'd go to Subic for jet skiing. This is more fun than just swimming in the pool. I love jet ski and I feel so cool driving it, I can't drive a motor bike that's why I like jet skiing since it's easier. I did it in Boracay once and in Subic for a couple of times. Its kinda expensive though that's why I  haven't driving one for nine months now. Another thing I liked in Subic is that it's not really polluted unlike Manila. Subic is already a province that's why the air is fresh ... Well, that's all I can say about Subic.

Birthday gift

If I were to choose what birthday gift to have I would choose to have my mom with me on my birthday...

I really do miss my mom. It's been so long that I haven't seen her. I experienced many birthdays without her, and my next birthday is coming this 29th. Well, it would be great if she could see me even if it's not my birthday. I have many plans what we could do together: I would take her out for a date with me, eat, buy her something I afford to give to her, go home to the province together to visit my brothers, etc. I have a lot of things in mind to do if I see her again. I have many dreams what to do when she is here. I really do miss her and I am worried because I don't know where she's at and I don't know if she's ok. We did not have contact for long time. I am really a daughter longing for a mother presence. We'll it's not too late to hope I still have a week to wait for her to come if not I hope she could still remember that it's her daughter birthday ...

Ohhh ... I just heard my mom is in Manila ... I need to go to Manila ... I will find her! If I find her, that will be my best birthday gift!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Geez, I haven't sleep yet! I will be like a dead goat later while on the road! Yeah, on the road! Because I and my friends are going to Subic to attend the Christening of one of my friend's sister.

I have a bunch of godchildren, to be precise: I am nine times godmom. Sometimes it makes me worried because Christmas is very soon and being a godmom is a big responsibility, in particular at Christmas time. You know why, hahaha! But they live far from where I live: eight of my godchildren live in my province. When asked to become godmom, I can't say no because it is considered bad style if I say no. Hence I always accept whenever somebody make me as a godmother to their child. Well it is not such a big deal having a bunch of godchildren, it just sometimes makes me sad when I'm not able to give them many gifts. But they do understand that I am away. Still I always love to hear from them, and sometimes, when I go home to province, I can see them and even give them a little gift even if it's late.They smile and thank me, and it is the best thing for me that I feel I make them happy. I guess I'm blessed having them all and I'm looking forward to have more. Well, three more, then it is a dozen, and then I guess nobody would mind if I say no, since 12 is enough! Hahaha!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Guess what? I went out last night with my friends to our hang out place and I've always seen this dude every time I am there. He is a DJ, sometimes I say hi to him just to be friendly but in fact we are not good friends. It seems he wasn't contended with my occasional “Hi”, maybe he expected anything else. Sometimes he is in conversation with his friends or coworkers, then I prefer to skip the greeting in order not to interrupt him, sometimes I focus on talking to my own friends instead of him. When he is busy, it is anyway not easy to talk to him as we are not at the same wave length and don't really have much to say to each other. I don't want to feel like a loser when I don't understand what he is talking to others.

Anyway, most of the time, we don't talk much and we don't greet each other every time. The bad thing is that he took that seriously and started posting inappropriate status messages in facebook saying that I was snobbish. He also said many other bad words that I don't want to repeat here, and nothing of what he wrote on facebook about me is true. I feel bad and sad at the same time because I didn't expect him to be that way, it is like he is a loser who tries to pull me down like I was really a bad person.

Honestly I do hate rejection that's why I don't talk easily to everybody at the first place, unless the other person is really well known to me and it is easy to have a good conversation with them. I am friendly to those who ain't plastic. The reason why I don't easily greet people in public is because I been in a situation before which I greeted someone I know but then she ignored me in front of everyone and I felt so embarrassed that I couldn't look at people eyes while living the place. I wasn't going to take it seriously but then many people looking at me and saw being ignored. I've learned my lesson way back then ...

Elementary school

When I was in elementary school I always had hard time. I had always only average grades in my MAPEH (music/arts/physical education/health) subject and even once failed. The main reason why I had low grades in that subject was that I was too shy to speak in front of the class. I never participated in dancing classes and exercise lessons. My body was like a statue because I was too shy. Besides I didn't know how to dance. I tried to practice with my classmates once but I couldn't follow the steps and I felt embarassed. I had no confidence in myself back then. Sometimes I skipped my classes just to avoid my MAPEH subject. I know it was crazy that I did skip classes because of one subject. I felt being bullied by my classmates, and sometimes I felt like I want to stop going to school at all. But I didn't stop school.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Self control when window shopping

One of my friends asked me earlier to come with her to SM Mall as she was getting something for her niece so I did go with her. While we were walking around and passed by a shoe store, some pretty shoes caught my eyes. I tried them on. I'd really like to have them but I couldn't, for financial reasons. I was disappointed but at the same a bit happy because I got to try them how they look on me.

Similar situations happened to me many times. One time I was with my cousins Bryan and Venus. We went to MAO (Mall of Asia) for a window shopping when I suddenly saw a tank top in a boutique. I'd really like to get that yet I didn't have enough money with me. My cousins noticed that I was so excited about that tank top. Next time I went out with my cousins they teased me all the time by telling me to stop looking in any store when I don't have money. It was kind of funny with them. Well it's not new to me when I don't have enough money and see items that catch my eyes. I get too excited and can be disappointed at the same time but I always make sure I get over it in just a days. If you cannot handle such situations, you better not to go to the mall even when your friends ask you to accompany them!


Some people from my facebook page have been asking me through messages why I always wear jeans all of the time. The reason why I always wear jeans in most photos or whenever I'm going out with friends is because I don't have skirts or shorts to wear. I don't have them simply because I don't even want to try to buy those kind of clothes. I am not comfortable to wear that kind of outfit, and I don't want to waste my money on clothes unless I am perfectly comfortable with the clothes.

I love jeans because you can always wear them everywhere anytime. Jeans are universal clothes. Everytime I plan to shop whenever I have extra money I always go for jeans. Unlike skirts or shorts, buying jeans is a safe bet for me. It could never be a waste of money. Maybe if I have skirts, I could wear them at home but not in public outside. That is my fashion style. Just be wise when buying items: make sure it's useful to you!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

My future

Sometimes I dream about my future. What will happen to me? Where do I want to be in the future? What do I like to do in the future? Maybe not everything will come true, but here are my thoughts about my future:

In the next 10 years I want to become successful in life. I love art and I think I have a talent in painting and drawing, hence I want to become a professional artist and expand my knowledge in drawing. Maybe one day I even can make money for living from my drawings. Maybe I build a tattoo shop with my drawing skills, or maybe I paint and have my very own gallery. Nothing is impossible if you are dedicated to what you are doing. Life changes, and all you have to do is to be creative and passionate about what you are doing, and with art, little by little, my art will improve over time. I do believe that talent is one of the keys to success. Well for me, I'd love to become successful so that I can help other people in needs. I imagine that with success, life will be easier, I don't need to worry anymore about the daily survival, no stress, just happiness. That's where I want to be in 10 years.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Thoughts about music

What would life be without music? Life without music would be no fun and boring! Can you imagine if music would not exist, there would be no dancers you idolized, there would be no DJ, there would be no bars etc. Music is everywhere! Life would be a big pain without music. There would be no rihanna you adore and all the other singers you idolized if music would not exist. We couldn't go in a bar or cafe to enjoy if there's no music and I don't think we would to chill at home if there's no music. Just like me since I stays in my home alot I would go crazy if I would have no music to hear. That's why music is everything to us it would be hell if we have no music.

Thursday, September 17, 2015


The Philippines presidential election is very soon. Without surprise, all these Politicians act like a real politician only at times when an election is coming. Between elections, you cannot find them and you feel like they are doing nothing. Isn't it crazy and shameful that they act so late while too many people are suffering from many crisis, sometimes from crises that were even caused by those politicians. If I were a politician, I would have kept my election promises and I would have done so much for my country and for my people. But I guess all politicians are way to greedy. They only do their parts when they are campaigning but when election is done every promises they made is forgotten while they are sitting in their throne and do nothing.

I know there are some good politicians too, and I want to say to those who take their political job serious: "I hope you won't change so that people will keep you in office". But for all the bad politician, I will not bemoan if they are gone.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


So I've cooked Pork Kaldereta earlier for lunch. I was really sleepy that time when I was cooking. I guess that's the reason why I didn't appreciate the taste of the food when was eating, even though I was really hungry. Later when I ate it for my dinner, it tasted good. I am happy with the result even though the ingredients were not complete.

Next time I'll make sure all ingredients are perfect. My advice to those who don't know how to cook: if you are not sure where to start and how to do it exactly, go to youtube! That's what I did earlier. It's really easy, all you need to do is to follow how it is in the video and you have to make sure how to put together the exact ingredients for the food. I am looking forward to cook chicken curry next time!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Eat Bulaga!

Do you know AlDub? AlDub is the contraction of the names of Aldren Richards and Yaya Dub, and they are the leading couple of the Eat Bulaga show. Aldren Richards is his real name, but Yaya Dub is a mock name because Yaya is a Dubsmash queen played by actress Maine Mendoza. Dubsmash is a service on the internet to make videos with other people's funny voice, and Yaya uses this during the show a lot. The show is a huge success in the Philippines, but I do not really know why.

I myself like the show a lot. Here are my reasons: AlDub is a cute couple that have a remote relationship, that means, they have never met in person yet. It is exciting to imagine what would happen next and when they would finally meet. The show is a comedy, and I always laugh a lot when watching the show. Alden is very charming, and Yaya is an everyday women just like myself. I can feel with them what they go through in the show.


“Friendship” by Esellee (Creative Commons license)
When you have good friends that really care for you and try to stick besides you and you treat them like nothing, then later you'll realized you lost true friends. Learn to be a respecful and be a good friend to them because otherwise, one day they might get tired with you! And don't wait for it to come so far! Act before it's too late and before you need to say "I lost a good friend that really cares for me". Don't just start arguments with them and don't annoy them with your moods! Always remember that your friends will be there quicker than your family especially if you and your friends are living under the same roof!

Always remember to smile and look up at what you got in life. You're blessed having your good friends around you! It's not important that you have a large number of fake friends; it is more important that you value each others true friendship!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Gamer suggestion

Are you a gamer? If so I have a game suggestion for you: Play War of Heroes! Check it out you might like it. I think it is a great game. I have been playing it since last week until now and I don't think I will stop playing this game anytime soon. It is really interesting to play and the good thing about it is that you can play it anywhere on your cellphone or computer as long as you have internet. I think that once you try it you won't want to leave the game.

What attracted me to the game were the characters. All the characters are really cute and strong. Also, there are many quest that make it really interesting to play. Weapons are really great and once you get into higher level you'll become stronger. But don't expect that you'll never gonna lose because losing is just part of the game. Good luck! 


I'm not scared of dying! I do accept the fact that I am halfway there but what scares me is that I don't want to leave my family. All I ever wanted is to grow old along with my brothers. But what can we do when life gets shitty and it feels like life is taken away from you? It is so sad that one day or sooner you're going to leave your loved family. Who knows: this could be this year, next year, any year. We don't know what the future brings.

I just wished I could  go back to my family, back to my life that I had before as a child. No worries about anything. But it is too late as I am grown up and moved out already to support myself. Sometimes life is a bitch and you have to face it, but if life hits me too hard, I sometimes wish I don't exist.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Countries I want to visit someday

Here are the countries that I would love to visit someday.

            South Africa

Friday, September 4, 2015

Ryzza Mae

I like Ryzza Mae. As you certainly know, Ryzza Mae is a little girl of age 10 who has a TV show here in the Philippines. Here are the reasons why I like her show:

The show is very entertaining. Ryzza Mae is cute and very good at making people laugh. She acts very natural. She's not afraid of being a kid and has the guts to make people happy. But when you watch the show you'll be amazed on how professional she ran the show even though she is still a kid. She can act like an adult when necessary.

Children and adults can watch it at the same time. The show is fun for all ages, and that's probably why a lot of people are watching it. The show has high ratings. Ryzza Mae creates a very relaxing atmosphere and you can see different kind of guests in her show everyday.

Make up tricks.

10 way to apply make up.

1. Apply foundation based on your skin tone.
2. Apply concealer to your under-eye circles after foundation.
3. Apply eyeliner to your eyebrows by shading the liner based to the shapes of your eyebrows.
4. Apply the eye shadow on both lid of your eyes.
5. Apply the liquid eyeliner carefully pull it along your eye so you follow the natural curve of your lash line.
6. To make your eyelashes curled and longer simple apply the mascara by wiggling the brush back and forth at the base of your eyelashes.
7. Create a contour  to make your nose look smaller.
8. Apply lip  balm to keep your lipstick from melting.
9. Pick a lipstick according to your choice apply it by shading it onto your lips.
10. Removing make up you just need to use make up removal by shading the cotton onto your whole face patiently and after wash your face and dry it with a clean towel.

Thursday, September 3, 2015


Spicy pork Adobo recipes, made by me!

  • 1kg of sliced pork adobo
  • slice of garlic 
  • 1 slice of onion
  • 1 scoop of cooking oil 
  • 3 teaspoons of spicy tomato sauce
  • chili 
  • black pepper 
  • sugar 
  • 3 scoop of vinegar
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar
  • 3 scoop of soy sauce 
  • 1/2 cup of water 


It seems to me that nowadays the number of evil people has increased and a lot of innocent were killed by the hands of these evil human beings. It happens even in my neighborhood. I don't really understand why they do it and still keep doing it. Why don't these bad people find a decent job and work hard instead of doing bad things to others and keep harming people just to make money. But I don't think people like them will change if it is for them an easy way to make money by killing, kidnapping, stealing or using innocent people. It is all just for money! So sad! Maybe God punishes us with typhoons that we encounter so often, and with any kind of calamities just because we have such bad, evil, wicked people.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Party in Makati

My friends invited me to come with them to Makati last week and so I did. It was my first time to party in Makati. I didn't expected it to be like this: it was difficult but fun.

The first hotel we stayed was at City Garden Makati. Our one night that we stayed there was great: we had soft beds, bath with jacuzzi and all. We were supposed to stay there for the whole week but my friend's boyfriend cancelled the booking for some reason, so by morning we had to move to another hotel. At the end, if I am not mistaken, we have been in four hotels.

That's the only thing I hated about our vacation: always moving to a different hotel. But I must say there are a lot of party places in Makati including Imperial, Time, H&J, ClubHaze, etc. Makati is a good place to party but expensive. Luckily, I didn't have to pay for everything. Thank you to my girl friends for bringing me there. It was all great and we are like sisters always and we have each other back.

10 reasons why to watch Hitman Agent 47

Have you seen the new Hitman movie yet? If not I will give you reasons why you should watch it.
1. The movie isn't boring.
2. The movie has full of action and martial arts.
3. The movie is so much better than the last two Hitman movies that came out years ago.
4. Agent 47 is so ruthless and is capable of defeating all of his enemy.
5. The movie is so cool.
6. Agent 47 is such a wise agent.
7. I also like the part when Katja (actor Hannah Ware) untied herself from a chair before it was too late. 
8. Every characters had the ability to fight strongly.
9. There's probably a part 2. Hence you must see part 1 now.
10. I found Agent 47 (actor Rupert Friend) charming.

That's just my opinon. Now go and watch it yourself!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Do you know what a shisha is?

Shisha is a syrupy tobacco mix with molasses and vegetable, glycerol as moisturizer and specific flavors added to it. It smells good unlike a cigarette. I don't smoke but the first time I tried shisha I liked it: it wasn't stinky; in fact it smelled like juice and it came in different flavors of fruits. The only thing you have to be careful about is when it is your first time smoking shisha it could make you high. If you smoke it all the way it could make you loose your energy. It happened to me before and I end up sleeping on the couch. But the best time to smoke shisha is when you are partying with friends and it can relax you from boredom.

By the way, this nice picture of a shisha was created by Barun khanal licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 license. Thanks for this nice picture!