Sunday, September 13, 2015


“Friendship” by Esellee (Creative Commons license)
When you have good friends that really care for you and try to stick besides you and you treat them like nothing, then later you'll realized you lost true friends. Learn to be a respecful and be a good friend to them because otherwise, one day they might get tired with you! And don't wait for it to come so far! Act before it's too late and before you need to say "I lost a good friend that really cares for me". Don't just start arguments with them and don't annoy them with your moods! Always remember that your friends will be there quicker than your family especially if you and your friends are living under the same roof!

Always remember to smile and look up at what you got in life. You're blessed having your good friends around you! It's not important that you have a large number of fake friends; it is more important that you value each others true friendship!

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