Showing posts with label questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label questions. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Communication Midterm Exam

I just got out from the school room. I'm still breathless even though this was not P.E. I've just been through the oral test from my Speech Communication instructor. WOW, now I know the feeling of being one of those candidates competing in a pageant. My heart is still pumping too fast even now. That was intense! Today was my very first time trying to survive a Q&A test with so many questions asked by my teacher.

The test works as follows: you stand in front of your teacher, and you have to answer her question with just a limited amount of time. I was so nervous that I ended up answering the question suboptimally. I am not satisfied with my answers. I could have answered better if only my brain had cooperated while I was inside the room. I did not like the time pressure to answer so quickly. I could have given here a really good answer with more time. But it's too late now, no more second chance.

Well, at least I made my grade for midterm already. It doesn't matter how it is. Anyway, my answer was nice, but too short. But I still hope I got a fine grade. I'll find out later when the midterm is over.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Catastrophic world

I do wonder why there is winter and summer? I do wonder why there's low tide and high tide, thunder and lightning, tornado and typhoon and even earthquake? Don't get me wrong, I know the physics, that we have winter and summer due to the tilt of the earth rotation axis towards the sun, and the low and high tide due to the gravitation of the moon which circles around the earth. But I do wonder why there are always people suffering from those. There's a lot of questions that pops in my head right now that I couldn't answer myself. I'm curious with all of these things that is happening to the world, and I see there is always a catastrophy in at least one of many countries right now. Sometimes I get to ask myself, is this god's way for us to be punished? Can you imagine that every disaster that hits us does kill one of our existence. Every disaster that hits us does kill many of us. Just like when the typhoon Haiyan Yollanda stroke the Philippines, thousands of people died. Why do we have to face such cruelty? I don't understand why. Are we that sinful and cannot be forgiven? Why do we live in a world full of catastrophies?