Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Communication Midterm Exam

I just got out from the school room. I'm still breathless even though this was not P.E. I've just been through the oral test from my Speech Communication instructor. WOW, now I know the feeling of being one of those candidates competing in a pageant. My heart is still pumping too fast even now. That was intense! Today was my very first time trying to survive a Q&A test with so many questions asked by my teacher.

The test works as follows: you stand in front of your teacher, and you have to answer her question with just a limited amount of time. I was so nervous that I ended up answering the question suboptimally. I am not satisfied with my answers. I could have answered better if only my brain had cooperated while I was inside the room. I did not like the time pressure to answer so quickly. I could have given here a really good answer with more time. But it's too late now, no more second chance.

Well, at least I made my grade for midterm already. It doesn't matter how it is. Anyway, my answer was nice, but too short. But I still hope I got a fine grade. I'll find out later when the midterm is over.

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