Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Short night

Good morning everyone! I assume that five hours of sleep is not that bad to begin my day. I fell asleep very late last night and I still managed to wake up early. My eyes needed more sleep but my brain says NO. Hence, since I cannot go back to sleep, after writing my thoughts, I will start reviewing my notes for the midterm examinations.

I have so many things to do today. I need to practice for the dance moves in P.E. It's a pressure for me since I am not good at moving hands and legs in any rythmical coordinated manner. That's just one of all the stuffs that I need to review. In speech communication-1, I have to record myself while doing tongue twisters. It is going to be our exam. I have to pronounce everything in the right way. My instructor will judge this for the midterm. Thinking of all this makes me stressed.

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