Monday, January 23, 2017

Second semester midterm exam

The midterm examination date got rescheduled to 25th of January. I think the school did this so that the students can have enough time to review for the upcoming exams. I'm fine with their new examination schedules. Anyway I don't have problem with any changes that might happen sooner or later.

I have only five subjects this semester, and I'm almost half way to finish the semester, so all is good. I can keep up with whatever changes the school will decide. After this midterm, the ACLC Week is coming. That's a week for sports and outdor activities, like dancing or basketball. Those of us who are not part of any activity do not need to come to school. I am excited, it's going to be a long good rest day away from school for me. The upcoming exams put some pressure on me, but I will be fine, and I look forward to relax after the exams.

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