Sunday, January 15, 2017

Sunday morning

Just got home from the church. It is Sunday morning here, so that means church day for us Christians. I admit I don't always attend mass, I rarely go. But I woke up early today, so I decided to go to church and it was good. The Weather seems fine today, the skies are cloudy. It didn't rain since earlier. I can feel the heat touches my skin. It's getting hot today. After washing laundry, so many clothes hanging outside to get dry. I think thick clothes easily get dry with this kind of weather. It is good, as I have my jeans washed, I hope everything gets dry before I leave. I don't like taking heavy wet clothes back to the city, as the clothes get smelly when they are not fully dry.

We all need this kind of sunny day here. Raining all the time is depressing. People here are more lazier when it is raining. They stay most of the time inside the house wasting their time waiting for better weather. So today is a good sunny day for us.

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