Monday, January 16, 2017

Painting leopard

I just started painting my leopard. That's what I did the past afternoon here in Samar. This is an oil painting set for beginners which I got as Christmas gift. It is still a long way to go, before I will have finished it. It takes time. Painting isn't easy, shading is so difficult, especially when painting a leopard. Too many small spaces that I need to shade carefully, as I don't want the sketch to get messy. It would be uninteresting to stare at, if my painting looks dirty. I will paint slowly, it doesn't matter whether it takes long time until I'm done.

My back is hurting, but seeing how my painting starts to have a life from colors makes me feel relieved. I can't wait to finish painting my leopard. When I get done with it, I'll put it on a frame perhaps to make it  look more interesting, and so it won't get dirty. My auntie wants me to display the painting in the house when it is done. Yes. We'll be hanging it to the wall somewhere in the house. I'm excited with the outcome. I hope I can finish it soon.

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