Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Lazy wednesday

Good morning! It's Wednesday morning here. I'm still in bed, so I decided to write while I'm still laying. I was supposed to get up early and prepare for school, but I received messages from friends telling me that we will not be taking the exam today. Even some of my classmates are not back here in Tacloban yet. Some are planning to come back on Friday. So this means class will start next week, that's what most students says. But even I am informed, I cannot really be sure.

Yesterday when I was on my way back to my place, I passed by my school and saw there were students in school. Now I'm thinking I really need to check it myself if we will be having classes today. The only problem is, if my other classmates don't come to school, and I know some can't come,  it would be a mess. Instructor would probably not going to start lecturing with just few students around.

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