Monday, January 23, 2017


Do you know parasailing? This is a beach activity where you are up in the air on a parachute connected by a long rope to a boat. The boat drives against the wind, which pulls the parachute and you up in the air. Back in 2014, when I was on Boracay, I saw parasailing the first time. But on Boracay were so many activities to do. That was my first time doing zip line and horse back riding. I watched the parasailing but I was too nervous to even try it. Who would have thought, I've got to try it in Bali. This time I was more courageous.

Now I know the feeling of being swept up in the air. I'll never forget the moment where I was being wrapped into the harness that is connected to the parachute. I was so nervous thinking I might fall down. But as soon as I was in the air, all panic was gone. Seeing the entire world from high above was amazing. I saw the beach view from above, and the sea, and everything was cool.

Later I learned from someone with experience that parasailing on Boracay is even better. In Bali, it was kind of short. On Boracay, you stay much longer in the air. I missed my chance to do it on Boracay but I am happy to experience it in Bali. If someone would ask if I will try parasailing for the second time, my answer would be yes. Why not? I will definitely try it, if I'll be given the chance to do it.

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