Sunday, January 22, 2017


We all have dreams about future and life. Some dreams can never be achieved. I am also a dreamer, but I want all my dreams come true. My dreams are simple. The very first thing is that I want to finish my studies. I want to graduate from college. I want to prove to others that they are wrong about me. I want a normal life, a decent job later when I graduate, so that I can support not just myself but also my family. I hope that God gives me many more years to live. I have faith in God. Either way I'm ready with whatever is going to happen when the time comes.

But for now I'll keep on digging, until I become satisfied. Life is not a race, I'll keep it slow. I ignore those people that are trying to drag me down, and I forget my difficult past, and try to live for the future. Right now I am happy with my life, and I love myself for what I am doing. That's very important.  Because if we don't love ourselves,  then how can we have a good future? We would always be jealous at what others have achieved without being content about what we ourself have achieved. We should learn to look at ourselves, so that others don't find a way to drag us down.

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