Saturday, January 14, 2017

Hurray, weekend

I am done with today's classes. It means my rest day begins today until Monday morning. I feel relieved, as I don't have to do anything. I just want to relax myself. Or maybe come home to Samar. I don't want to bore myself here at my place for doing nothing. Going to home is a great idea. I can eat my favorite fresh vegetables there.

It's better when I am at home. I don't have to worry about anything. Food is just there, and you don't have to go far to a mall just to get something to eat. Even vegetables are nearby our house. It is so easy living in the province. The sea is just there, and you can easily go and catch fishes. And then your day is solved. You won't be depressed if you know how to live as a real province person. I can do what a province girl is capable of doing, for instance I know how to catch fishes. The only reason I don't go to the sea that often is because I don't want to get darker. My skin tan is already dark. I have to stay away from the sun for a while.

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