Sunday, January 15, 2017

Internet in school

Back to school again tomorrow, on Monday. Wait, what? I'm still in Samar? Lol. Kidding!

My subject for tomorrow is just one in speech communication, and it will start at 4:30 pm. So if I go back to Tacloban at noon, I won't be too late for school. I'm planning to leave by 12 noon. I will be in the city around 3:00 pm. If I arrived on that time, then I will still have some time to wander around the city.

Usually, I don't really stay in school during longer breaks, when my next subject is still away. It would be boring, as there is not much to do. We have WiFi in school, but it doesn't work most of the time. So instead of waiting for the next subject,  I and my classmates go out, find something to eat, go to mall, checking shops even when we don't buy. We still want to see what's new in the store inside the mall. Looking around keeps us busy until the next subject. We only stay at the classroom during short breaks or when the internet works well. It's really annoying when internet doesn't work. We are paying for our internet so that we could do online research but it's always too slow. So annoying! I think it become really slow when too many students are using internet at the same time.

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