Friday, January 13, 2017

Lack of energy

I feel like I needed a body massage right now, as my back is hurting, and my body doesn't seems to have much energy. I am thinking of making a cup of coffee which I barely do, I don't really drink coffee. I never liked coffee, but at times like this, I feel like I really need one.

I tried going back to sleep, but my mind didn't want to stop thinking randomly, so I decided to just write, while I am still figuring out what to do. If only I can sleep more, I could, as I don't have to go to school now since my class will start at 5 pm this afternoon. But if I go back to bed, I will only laying awake, but not sleeping, I know, I've been through this number of times. 

It's almost 9am here, I do have enough time to prepare. I think if I eat something, as this could help me to gain some energy to begin my day. 

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