Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Messed up painting

Yesterday afternoon when I started to paint, someone said oil painting is really difficult, and I said yes, even though I had no idea. I didn't believe it was that difficult, until I tried it myself. And yes, I know now that it is really difficult. It was the very first I tried painting with oil, and I messed it up right in the beginning. So funny! Looking at my work, makes me stop for a bit and wonder, if I ever get to fix what I've messed up already. I shaded it with dark paint, and I guess there's no way to fix it.

I really failed, but a promise is a promise, I'll continue what I've started doing. To see if I can still make the painting good by shading it, until it is done. I'll be finishing it, after I checked my school. Good luck to me again! 

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