Wednesday, January 25, 2017

P.E. Subject

It's already getting late in the evening here, but since I am still up, I think I should tell you guys what I did earlier in school. I had just one subject today: P.E. This is physical education, and what we did was learning dance movements. As a person who is not very talented in dancing, it took me a while to catch the movements our instructor taught us. So when the time came for me to show what I've learned, I was kind of nervous performing in front of my P.E. classmates. This was already part of the midterm exam. The highest score was 24, while I only got 17. No complaints, I'm grateful I got above 13 which is the passing score.

The P.E. subject makes me feel uncomfortable as I do not like performing in front of the class. But I did it. I can't wait to finish this subject. Just 3 more months, then all P.E. is gone. I hoper there will not be any P.E. in next semester.

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