Thursday, January 12, 2017

Nicer weather

The weather is getting better. Going back home from school without flooding all over the road makes me happy. The past few days, it was worse: I walked on the road with water up to my ankle, my shoes and jeans got wet and dirty. That time it keeped on raining. I was soaked when I reached my place. I had no way to dry my shoes, so I was devastated from what happened. I never liked when my jeans and shoes get so dirty.

Glad today the skies was bright and it didn't rain. But yesterday, when it was raining, I forgot taking my umbrella with me, that's why I got so wet. I'm glad I didn't catched cold from that night. Next time I will not forget to bring an umbrella. I'll make sure to always have it on my bag. But I hope the raining stops for this month, so that I will not have a problem going to school.

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