Thursday, January 26, 2017

More midterm exams

Good morning everyone! Today is Thursday here in the Philippines. I wish us all a blessed day!

I'm still in bed, so before getting up I decided to write down my thoughts. As usual, Thursday is not so busy for me,  I don't have much to do today. I only have one class later this afternoon. My busiest day is Wednesday when I always need to wake up very early in the morning for school. Well, it is the only day I have a full load in school. All other weekdays are easy.

Today is my midterm exam in "Speech Communication 2". I'll be home early. Whenever an exam is on, we can go home right after we answered the questions or after we presented our part in every subject. If you know what you're doing, then exams are hassle-free. After the exam, I will go eating at some place and chill a bit to relax.

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