Thursday, December 24, 2015

Life is so unfair

Sometimes life is a b!+€#

No matter how hard we try, we keep running into dead ends. Or banging our head against a wall or failing to fullfill or do the things that we want to do.

We have great plans, amazing ideas but we can't just seems to begin them. Maybe we have constant money problems, difficulties with relationships, family problems, or emotions that drain our energy and enthusiasm.

We look around and see other people succeeding and living exciting lives. It all seems like smooth sailing for them. While the rest of us are struggling to achieve the good life we want. Sometimes we work too well, too much just to reach our dreams. But Sometimes all efforts and hardwork are still not enough to achieve what we want in life, Sometimes we are just unlucky to expercience the good life... Sigh.. Life is so cruel and unfair sometimes!

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