Sunday, October 18, 2015


It's been raining since yesterday because of typhoon Lando but I'm glad it's not windy here at my place. I am not so sure about other places. Well, I hope no one gets hurt or dies because of this typhoon. In particular those families who live in the mountain region of Luzon should be careful and evacuate before it's too late. The typhoon is on track in that direction. It's not safe to just stay at home when you are living in a dangerous place. If you really care about your family, be wise and move your ass up and leave the danger zone for your family safety!

In my province, 2 years ago, a lot of people died because of being stubborn and didn't evacuate. A lot of those who lived by the sea died because they didn't listen even though they had already heard in the news that there's super typhoon coming. Even though they were warned, still they ignored all warnings until it was too late for them to survive. I was there, I did experience that typhoon, which was the strongest ever, and I am lucky that I survived.

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