Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Be matured

I and Jessa had a misunderstanding earlier. It's because of that goddamn party that I intended to ignore. She doesn't understand my arguments when I told her that I cannot go partying with her in Manila. She got pissed off  by my answer. Jesus Christ! I'm getting tired of partying so often. Even I don't have to spend any money on it, I still don't want to go because I have other useful things to do rather than partying.

Honestly I was once a party animal. It started back in 2013 after my break up with my ex. I did enjoy partying until last year. Now I cannot call myself a party animal anymore because I don't party as often anymore. Nowadays I have different priorities. Jessa doesn't understand how I feel because she's just 20 years old, and she has plenty of money so that she can party as much as she wants. I try to save money. I am not saying I'm old but I'm already 22. I need some time to think of what's the best to do in life. I don't want to end up like other former party girls who are now old and have now a miserable life.

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