Thursday, June 1, 2017

Travelling makes you smart

Travelling gives you lots of experiences and changes your viewpoint. It makes you smart and mature, because you can see beyond the scope of your little province life. I had been to two counties already, but that doesn't mean I'd stop travelling whenever I can. If there's another opportunity for me to travel, I'd surely grab it. Traveling is expensive, but it is a once in a lifetime opportunity to learn the world. Grab every opportunity, never let go of it, or you will later regret it.

There is the time of travelling and the time after travelling. Only after the travel, you learn how rich you are now with the new experiences. When I was still on the trip, I never appreciated how amazing it is being in a country. The first time I traveled, I was very tense and confused with so many strange impressions. I felt like in a movie, not in the real world, and I was not as relaxed as I should have been. Now, since the day I arrived back in the Philippines, my experiences during my travel are always in my mind. There is no day without thinking I had already been in other countries. Isn't that amazing? I am grateful for getting invited to the two trips. It will always stay in my memories.

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