Wednesday, May 31, 2017


When I was little, my only dream was to have nice dresses on Christmas, and more toys to play with on birthdays. Being from a poor family, that was often an unreachable dream for me as little kid. But even though I did not get what I wanted, I still ended up happy with the toys that I had. My father is just a farmer, and my mother is just a housewife who took care of everything in the house. Therefore we never had lots of money. We had enough food to eat, but we were not well provided with other nice things that every small kids wanted to have. But I cannot complain! I was just a child who was happy with anything.

As I get older, my dreams change. I have now more ambitions. First, I want to finish my education. That's my most important dream. When it comes to gadgets, I am still like a little girl who wants unreachable things, like the best smartphone, the best TV, etc. It is not anymore about toys, but about the modern products of daily life that only rich people can afford. Well, I am not rich. But they said dreaming is not bad: you can dream big, and it is up to you if you'll make it happen. If you are a person with a good strategy and motivation, then you'll succeed. 

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