Saturday, May 13, 2017

English is not what makes a person smart

English is not a measure of intelligence. A person can be really bright without speaking another language. To speak a foreign language is good, but it isn't they only indicator of a person's intelligence. We are all intelligent in different ways. Some of us speak languages, some of us create amazing art, some of us are good in math, some of us are spirited dancers, and so on. Everyone has his or her own way of intelligence, and besides that, we all have the ability to learn a lot to enhance our knowledge.

Nowadays, people judge others often only on how properly we speak English. This is in particular unfair for Filipinos, since we never hear proper English in TV or radio: in fact we learn Tagalish, the unique form of mixed English that you can only hear in the Philippines.

A person can be really good in English or in foreign languages, but still not smart enough to master the daily life. Another person might have always difficulties to express himself in proper English but might be smart in all important life decisions. I think that can be called intelligence. Whenever we hear someone speaking incorrect English, we should listen WHAT the person wants to says, and not HOW he or she says it. We should judge the content, not the form! Wrong or stuttered words are just the form, while the ideas that the person tells us might be brilliant. Remember we all have intelligence, in many individual ways!

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