Monday, May 22, 2017

Rest in Peace, my Cousin

It is a sad day. At 2pm yesterday, my cousin passed away. He is same age as me, and he was my batchmate in school. He is too young to die, yet it happened. He's been sick for more than a year already. He fought for his life very long, but his bravery has ended. I feel sad that he is now gone.

We used to be close friend in elementary and high school. We lost contact when I left the province. He went to college but did not finish it, then he went to Manila and found his love, and he made her his wife. It is sad for her, too.

Later, they came back to Samar and my cousin went back to college as a working student while his wife worked as well to meet financial needs. He was in 3rd year college when the family found out that he is sick. They brought him to different doctors, but all said the same thing: He has leukemia. Due to lack of money, they couldn't afford to sustain his medication. He became weaker day by day since the medication stopped. Yesterday, he lost his fight for life. We must accept that each life has its ending. We will all die afterall,

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