Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Drivers licence

When you ride a motorbike in the Philippines, you need a drivers license. This is very important in the big cities, but in the rural province, people usually didn't care much about having a license. But recently, the police checks got more strict, and if they catch you in the province without license, you will be summoned for your action.

Few days ago, I thought my brother was one of those who got caught by the autorities for not having a driver license while driving a motor bike. I was worried of him. I tried to call him by phone but he was out of reach. I heard once the LTO catches you and you cannot pay the penalty, you might end up losing your motorbike.

I've been telling my brother to fix his license as soon as he can, so he can drive without worries. I hope he will listen to me, because when he gets in trouble with the police, I cannot help him. I love my brother, but I can't always be there to help him.

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