Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Happy Fiesta to my other hometown

Fiesta is happening now in my mom's hometown. My grandparents still live there. I am currently in Hernani, my father's hometown, and that place is a bit far from here. I feels sad that I didn't make it to there. My grandparents thought I was coming. They waited for me to arrive yesterday. But I told my cousins to let them know I am not coming. My grandparents understand my situation, so they just tell me to come another day even it isn't Fiesta.

Every places has its own Fiesta, and it only happen once a year. When Fiesta is near, everybody is busy preparing, from making their homes looks nice and clean to preparing food. Fiesta is very important to us province people, because no matter how far we live, we make sure to be home for the Fiesta. It's nearly as important as Christmas with family. I am sad that I didn't make it to my grandparents this time. Happy Fiesta to them!

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