Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Reconciliation with my brother

Lol, I was sulky. I promised to myself not to talk to my brother for too long, because he pissed me off for some reason. But as a sister, I just cannot hold on to that. I and my brother fought to many times, but no matter how we hated each other during the fight, at the end of the day, we managed to settle things and go back to normal.

This time, the situation was different. Since we fought, we haven't talked to each other for days. It's funny. I saw him around and we were like strangers. My auntie knew we weren't in good terms, so she asked me stop the drama and start talking to my brother. I would have done that anyway eventually. So I approached him earlier this morning right after he arrived from work. I talked to him first, and he responded to me. It seems we are back to normal. We are both the same, we get angry for a short while, then later on we are no longer mad. We are both moody. I think I am worse than he is. LOL!

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