Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Excited for Fiesta

Nine days more and then we will have fiesta here in our barangay. I can't wait for that day to come. I will meet again my batchmates and friends and we will party night and day. It is going to be a fun vesper night for all of us. It should be great, since fiesta only happens once per year. Already now, people are preparing, fixing fixing their homes, getting ready for the big day.

But before the vesper night, on June 1, there will be the "Miss Gay" competition. This happens every fiesta. It is a pageant where all the contestants are gays, that is ladyboys. Or simply boys that dress like women. This is always fun too watch, because the contestants present themselves with a lot of humor, with some irony for the gay culture or making fun of the way how beauty queens behave. You'll laugh at loud by their performances. The most interesting part of Miss Gay for me is when they are uttering their motto which they've created. They are really funny.

Our gym will probably be crowded with people from all around the world to watch the Miss Gay and Vesper night celebrations. Everyone is invited to the fiesta, so whoever wants to party, please come and join us. Food is free as well. Most houses will offer different dishes on the vesper night. I hope everyone can enjoy the fiesta.

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