Thursday, May 25, 2017

Family Drama

Someone from our barangay just got arrested for harassing his wife. Jealousy converted into hate and violence, as the husband hurts his wife in front of their 3 kids. He was drunk at that time and the wife was alone with their kids. It was a serious case of domestic violence. They are our neighbors, therefore I know their story.

The wife called the police to ask for help from her abusive husband. So the policemen came and locked the husband into the cell for the whole night. This morning, they invited the wife to the police station so that she and her husband could talk over their issue. According to the wife, her husband begged for her forgiveness, but she was so mad at him that the husband always hurt her physically whenever he wanted too. She decided to never go back to him. The husband now is still in the jail. I think her decision was right, but it is also hard for their kids to be raised in the broken family. I know how this is, as I grew up in a broken family as well.

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