Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Summer vacation is almost over

Time flies so fast! Now is already May 3rd. One more month and vacations are finished, and students need to go back to studying. But before the school starts for me, first, I will celebrate our Fiesta this coming June 2, and 3. I can't wait for that day to come. The most awaited day happens once a year only. It is a very special day.

I think the school will start in second week of June, so I still have some time to enjoy the remaining vacation days. I had a little vacation trip, and that's good. I had been to Sambawan Island. The remaining vacation days, I'll just go for a hike with my friends. They invited me some time ago.

I can feel the heat now. I'd better shower. It is very sunny here even it's only 8:12 AM. I'm sweating while writing my thoughts. So I will leave it like this. I hope all of you a better day!

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