Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Samsung Phone Battery Problem

Samsung is among the leaders in mobile phones, because they make fancy smartphones, just like Apple. A Samsung phone is great when it is still brand new, but when it is years older, you can no longer expect it to work as good as it was. It is a pity that mobile gadgets break so quickly nowadays. It seems the companies want us to buy a new phone every year.

My experience is with a Samsung J3 phone. I bought it for ca $200 last year. Brand phones are always so expensive in Philippines, unlike Europe or USA where the competition is higher. At that price, expect it to be a nice phone. But no matter how you take care of the gadget, it will end up broken anyway. I liked this phone so much, and I've been using this for a year now, but it seems already at the end of its life. I don't know what is really wrong with this phone, but I cannot use it when it is charging, because if I do, instead of adding battery percentage, it charges backwards. Last night before I went to bed, I plugged it in, hoping that it would be fully charged after 8 hours, but it was only at 50% charge when I woke up. It is really annoying. Everyday I had to deal with this.

I hope I can fix it somehow. I thought about taking it to the cellphone repair shop, but I don't feel like letting anyone touch my beloved phone yet. Maybe I just change the battery myself. I'm not really sure the battery is the only problem why this phone is behaving badly, because once it was charging, the charger did explode. This might have affected the electronics inside the phone. Anyway I'll be having a new phone eventually, and I hope that one has a longer battery life.

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