Thursday, May 4, 2017

The "War on Drugs" needs to stop

In earlier blogs, I have written already about the "War on Drugs" that the Duterte administration is fighting. At the beginning, I wasn't clear about it, but more and more I come to the conclusion that it needs to stop.

During that "war" from July 2016 until now, more than 7000 people died, including many innocent people. This is just too much. The killings must stop now. No matter how bad we are, we still have the desire to live in this world. We all deserve a second chance. Because we are humans, we make mistakes, but mistakes can be corrected.

Don't get me wrong: drugs are bad! But killing innocent people is worse. It is never justified to do worse in order to solve something bad. Most of all, the legal system must be obeyed, and the legal system of the Philippines does not know the dead penality. Hence, any action against drugs should not kill people. Killing is illegal.

I heard in the news that the number of people killed in police actions during this "war" went down now. I hope the killings will end soon. I don't say that we should not do anything against drugs, but I think there are other ways to solve the drug problem.

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