Friday, May 5, 2017

Happy Fiesta Padang

My howntown Hernani has several barangays, and soon there is fiesta in every barangay. For barangay Padang, fiesta has already started. Last night they had a live band, as well as disco sponsored by one of the richest family in Padang. There were even fireworks in the night. I bet they spent a lot of money on that event. Well, that isn't surprising, since most members of that rich family lives in the USA with better jobs. The sponsor is also the wife of American guy who has two sons. They were all at the gymnasium, taking over the night, dancing tango, and any other traditional dances.

Brgy. Padang has their own huge gymnasium. This is good for such fiesta events or other big parties, as well as for playing basketball tournaments. It has a roof, so it is no problem to party there even at bad weather. I wish that my own barangay Batang would have such a gymnasium, but we don't have. We always pray for good weather when fiesta comes. Maybe in the future, we get one. Anyway, Happy Fiesta Brgy. Padang!

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