Sunday, May 21, 2017

Fiesta in Cacatmonan

Yesterday afternoon, I, my brother, and my cousins decided to visit Cacatmonan. I wrote about Cacatmonan already last year, and in case you don't remember, I tell you again what Cacatmonan is:

Cacatmonan is a small village up in the mountain. There are not so many houses, maybe 16 to 20 houses. They have an elementary school up to grade 3 only. After that, students need to go down from the mountain. They have a small gym which they use not only for sports but for all kinds of events and barangay activities. The most important of Cacatmonan is that is is off the beaten path. No cars can go to there. It is not easy to visit, because the only way is to walk for an hour in order to reach the top. If you visit Samar and you love to hike, then Cacatmonan is probably for you.

Last night was their vesper night. I was present, I even started to dance cha-cha along with my cousins. I think I need to learn dancing now. I'm happy for that, because I'll be dancing once again this coming fiesta in our barangay. Anyway last night was a blast.  The party was so simple yet everyone is having fun.

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