Friday, May 5, 2017

What's for Dinner? I'm hungry!

It's getting dark, and I feel hungry already. My stomach is asking for dinner. It is kind of early for dinner, and my auntie is not home yet. We will probably wait for her to get home from picking up shells in the sea.

I feel tired, because I've been fetching water for an hour. I managed to fill the huge containers with water. The water is needed for bathing and for flushing the toilet. We fetch water twice a day, in the morning and afternoon. I and my cousin do it alternately.

Since we lost the faucet back in 2013 due to typhoon Yolanda, water is one of the main problem in my barangay. Guys probably have less problem carrying heavy buckets of water, but for me, it is tiring. But I'm not complaining, because if I quit fetching water, then I wouldn't be able to shower. Luckily, my boarding house in Tacloban has running water, hence it is easier there.

Enough with the water problem now. I must get something to eat.

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