Friday, May 12, 2017

Private School vs. Public School

In the Philippines, it is more comfortable to study in private schools. The classes may be similar difficult, but the administrative procedures are easier. Once per semester, we have to get instructor signatures for our clearance. In private school, you don't need to do much for this, while in public school, you have to chase your instructors, and some are nowhere to find. And even if you find them, they get annoyed by the signing procedure and put you hurdles here and there. Well, not all teachers are like that, but you find more of that kind of teachers in public school and less in private school.

Private schools are not really strict when it comes to enrollment. What matters to them is money. That's why they are not so hard to students. They teach you enough to learn your course, and it is up to a student if he/she is interested in learning. Spoiled brat students don't really pay attention to their study, that's why they always choose private school. There, they have the freedom to do what they like.

For me, studying hard is a matter of course. It is up to me if I am willing to learn my course. Teachers are not always the one to blame. I am thankful that I have the opportunity to study and I try to make the best out of it.

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