Saturday, May 6, 2017

Be wise, think of the future!

My old friends from Manila are always having fun in the city, always partying, wasting money on alcohol. I bet if I was still with them I'd be doing the same thing as they do. Glad I went away, I used to  be like them. I was always out most nights to have fun, then coming home broke. Thinking of the past makes me realize that being a party girl won't do good to anyone. I'm happy with my new life away from the sin city.

I hope my friends will also realize that education is everything! With education, you can decide what you really want to do in life. My friends have enough money, they could study if the wanted. Instead of wasting money on alcohol, it would be better if they spend it in school.

There is a saying, have fun while you're young, but do not skip education. Always take the opportunity if it is given to you. If I stayed in the city, I wouldn't have reached one year of college. I'm proud of my self, and to the decision I've made one year ago.

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