Wednesday, May 10, 2017


I am already enrolled for the third semester. I can't believe I finished the first year of college without failing even a single subject. I am grateful for that. I may not have the high grades, but I am happy that I didn't fail in any of my subjects. I do not need to repeat classes, and most of all I won't be wasting another year just to study the same subject. All my studies are on plan.

I'm ready to begin another chapter of my life as a college student. In less than a month, school will start again, and I am so ready for that. Just one more year for me to graduate in college. I can't wait for the big day to come. I can't wait the day when I have to go to the stage to get my diploma. When that happens I will be the happiest person on earth, because I can finally call myself an "educated person". Good luck to me, so that I don't fail in the coming semester.

I think all of us have a goal in life. We stop pursuing them not because of lack of courage but rather because of finances. I am happy for my side job which helps me to pay my college. Be thankful for what you have, and never forget the person behind your success!

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