Friday, June 9, 2017

Having Hard Time To Sleep

It's already 11pm, but I am not worried about sleeping late tonight. I don't have school or any matters to do tomorrow, so I'm just going to stay up until late, and watch videos on YouTube. I don't feel sleepy yet. In Samar, I usually sleep around 8pm, soon after the sunset, but now that I moved back here to the city, I go to sleep later, at 9pm to 10pm. The other night, I got a migraine attack, and my head was hurting so bad, so I couldn't sleep no matter how I tried. It was already 4am when I finally fell asleep. So, I am out my sleeping rhythm, and it is going to be awhile before my usual time to sleep goes back.

Right now I really don't think I could sleep soon. I know my body well. Even if I push myself to sleep now, it is not going to work. This is no big deal to me for now, but I hope everything goes back to normal when my school starts. And that is soon.

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