Monday, June 26, 2017


Monday it is today,  but no school, because today is holiday. I am still in Samar and have free days until tomorrow. I'm not sure whether we will have classes on Wednesday, since the Fiesta in Tacloban will be on Thursday. To find out is to go to school. But I wish I can know today so that I don't need to come back to Tacloban tomorrow. I am unsure about Wednesday, but our instructor haven't told us not to come. Too bad I don't have her phone number, otherwise I could have just texted her to be sure.

I really don't feel like going back to the city yet. I'm loving the fresh food that I am able to eat while I'm still home. Whenever I'm at the city I always end up losing weight. I don't have much appetite to eat the food from fast food restaurants, even though I have money to buy food. I rather eat the food here in the province that my auntie prepares for us. But it looks like I have no choice but to go back tomorrow. I can't miss my school. My subject for Wednesday is my major subject, hence I can't be absent. No backing out, I need to go back.

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