Sunday, June 25, 2017


It is Sunday evening, and as usual, Sunday was a free day for everyone. So, since we had nothing to do, I urged my cousins to go with me to Canhugas. Yesterday was the first time for me to see the place again since quite a while. It was quite different than it was last March, there were a few stores build up at the top Canhugas, and a few cottages were also finished, but I heard those were private property and not for rent.

A few things have improved in Canhugas. At the lower part of the beach, there were at least 3 unfinished cottages made by cement. It needs a few more month until everything is finished. By next year, the place will be as nice as ever. Glad that the mayor supported the Canhugas project. There are also other sponsors, otherwise they wouldn't have made it so far. I'm looking forward to see more improvements during my next visit. It will take me a while before I come to the place again. I am not as eager to see the place as I was before. Once in a while visit is good enough for me. I lost a bit of interest with Canhugas. But I'm not saying I won't visit Canhugas ever again.

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