Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Staying Home

For today's lunch, I am cooking Pork Nilaga for myself. I woke up early this morning, and it was raining. I waited a bit until the rain was gone, then I went out to buy meat at the market nearby my place. I didn't buy much meat, because I have no one to share it with. I am alone here, my friends are out of town. Last night they left for Bicol for 3 days.

This place where I renting my room freaks me out sometimes, especially when I am alone in the entire house. This happens seldom since there are many rooms rented out, but today is such a day since everyone is gone somewhere. So now I got all I need for the rest of the day. I will finish cooking my food, then eat, shower, and then lock up myself inside my room. I will be using Facebook alot today, and maybe watch an anime series in YouTube once I have a better internet connection. That's my plan for the whole day. I wish everyone a good day!

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