Friday, June 16, 2017

Happy day

Good morning to all! Here I am outside my place enjoying the sun. I bet there is no rain coming up today. I hope this beautiful weather stays like this for the rest of the day. Everybody will be happy for this weather change, and so am I.

I am not going to spoil the day. Soon I will get ready, then go out look for food. In two hours the mall will be open. I am not that broke this time. I think I will watch a movie. I just got my salary. It makes me happy somehow when I don't feel so poor, it's good I have some penny with me, and I can enjoy myself, treat myself to some thing that my money can afford to pay.

I am not someone who's good at keeping money for a very long time. I tried to save money, but I got disappointed, because it's never going to work with me. My tactics doesn't work the way I wanted it to.

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