Friday, June 30, 2017

Good Luck, Cousin!

I just found out that my cousin is leaving this July to work abroad. Since long time already, he's been telling us that he is interested in working abroad. He was never satisfied with his salary from his previous job here in Tacloban. Just last year he decided to move to Manila with his older sister. He tried different jobs there, but again his salary was always too little. So, he started applying for jobs abroad. First he applied for work in Korea. He even went to school so that he could learn the Korean language. But he didn't get the job, and he and his sister only wasted money on that language course. Next, he applied for a job in the Middle East, but that salary was also very litte. Finally, his last try was Taiwan, and he got accepted to work there. It's been months sinces he started processing all the papers needed. After all his efforts, he is finally leaving soon.

He called last night just to inform me about the good news. I am happy for my cousin, because he is like a big brother to me. I know him and all his sisters well, because I have been living with them for a long time now. My cousin said that soon, my auntie will stop her job. That's one of the reason why he wanted to work abroad, to provide the needs of his family. He asked whether I have a luggage bag since he needs to pack a bag for the travel. Of course I gave him mine, since I won't need it for a while. I hope his dream will come true. He will stay abroad on a 3 years contract, so it will be a long time until we see him again. Good luck, cousin!

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