Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The Mummy

As I've said before, I was never a fan of Tom Cruise. I know he makes great movies, but when I go to the movie theater, I select movies where I like the main characters before I watch it. For his age, Tom Cruise is still a good looking Hollywood actor, but I think I like taller guys in the movies such as Chris Hemsworth or Chris Pratt. They are also a different generation of actors than Tom Cruise.

So yesterday afternoon I got out from school, then I directly went to Robinson mall. I had nothing to do and I was kind of bored, therefore I decided to watch a movie. There were not so many new movies on selection, as I have watched many already, so I ended up watching the movie The Mummy. Tom Cruise is one of the main characters, and I had a mixed feeling whether I would like that movie.

But I was wrong. Right from the beginning, I was captivated by the movie. It was a good movie and I liked the mummy Princess Ahmanet, the antagonist of the movie. At least I didn't feel like I wasted my money with the movie.

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