Saturday, June 24, 2017

What if?

What if one day we are given a chance to travel the world without Visa/Passport and money is the only problem that hinder us to leave? Would we all work harder to earn money so that we can go and travel the world? Because I would be willing to work a lot harder! It doesn't matter which job I am having, as long as I can make money from it. Right now I only have a side job to support my studies, but when I will have a full job in the future, and I am still alive by then, I will probably just save up, rather than spending money to unnecessary things.

Many countries require Visa from Filipino travellers, and a Visa is hard to get. If that hurdle would not exist, everybody would be a lot happier, and the average people would be more ambitious and eager to support their travel. Right now this Visa hurdle is just so high that average people don't even dare to consider travelling. For those who make more money than most people, for them it was always super easy to visit their dream countries, because they are well provided with money. Therefore, when I get a job, I will try to save all my money for travel. There are still some countries that are Visa-free for Filipinos that I have not yet visited. I wish one day more countries are less restrictive against Filipinos with respect to Visa requirements. Then I can visit my dream countries in the future.

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