Wednesday, June 28, 2017

We must be nice even if others are not.

Learn to help without expecting anything in return! A good heart is outstanding, even if others cannot see it from outside. Keep your good heart for yourself! Don't let everyone know you're a kindhearted person by showing how you help a person! God knows how good you are. Whatever you do good, others won't matter. You don't need to prove them that you are a good person.

As long as you are true to yourself, and you don't pretend to be someone else, you are an amazing person. I think being who we are is way better than trying to be someone we are not. Wherever we go, we should always show the real us. It's really is hard to pretend to be someone else. At first it's cool, but when you get to hangout with the same people very often, they will find out anyway whether you are real or fake. If you are fake, they will stay away from you, and that's sad for you.

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