Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Unexpected fun during Fiesta

I thought I won't be going back to the City until tomorrow, but here I am finally! It was my friend who called me this afternoon. She needed my help! She asked me if she can stay at my place until she is able to find a new boarding house. She said it won't be long until she can find one. I don't have a problem with that, because she is my good friend. She knew where I live, in fact we often do our group projects together at my place.

We agreed to meet in Tacloban, that's why I am back here. Tonight, we went to RTR which is a huge amusement place during Fiesta for everyone who likes to drink and try different rides. There were also shows and live bands. Once you're with friends, you'll never feel like you're out of place. Last Fiesta, I didn't pay much attention what you can do in Tacloban during Fiesta. But tonight I experienced the fun with my friends. Thanks to my friends who brought me to this place.

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