Saturday, June 17, 2017

In Samar

I am back in Samar with my family. I had to come home one more time before I go back to school. Classes in my school had started last Tuesday, and I've missed 2 days of classes already. Anyway, 2 absences wont affect my school attendance, because this whole week is all about introducing ourself to the instructors. Why I am so sure of this? Because my other classmates informed me about what they did during class hours.

Other reasons why classes of some schools in Tacloban haven't properly started is because of the upcoming Fiesta which is on 29th of June. That is 12 days from now. Once the Fiesta is over, it's going to be a hectic and stressful semester for everyone. Stressful mostly for those who need to be in school for 5 days per week. My subject isn't the easiest subject, but I am a little bit relieve knowing I don't need to be in school each day. I will have some free days. I'm ready for school this coming Monday. I heard our teaching in management is nice. I will see on Monday whether it's true.

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